Red Letter Autumn – Red Admiral and NEMBBA Champions

A slightly belated Autumn 2024 roundup but Shirland Welfare Band’s winning ways continued in fine style through to the end of the year.  


It was an early start and a long trip north west for us but in the end well worth it. We were delighted to take first prize at the Red Admiral Academy Entertainment Contest held in Chorley on September 29th. 

It was an extremely large, competitive field of 14 bands in our section with each band performing a short entertainment programme they had selected of about four or five pieces. 

We had decided to give our holiday theme a final outing for the year and opened with Salsa Tres Prado followed by Children of Sanchez, played with considerable aplomb by Luke Newborough.  That was followed up with the poignant Recurdos El Alhambra with the fiery Malaquena to close.

In addition to first prize overall we also won  the Most Entertaining Band and the prize for Best Flugel/Horns.

As always full results can be found on 4barsrest.

Hot on the heels of Chorley we were in to formal test piece competion mode at the North East Midlands Brass Brand Association Auttumn contest at the Whitworth Center in Darley Dale.

The band had chosen to play Eric Balls timeless classic Tournament for Brass and held off the other bands in the section to take yet another first place. A perfect end to a very successful and enjoyable contesting year.